Friday, May 30, 2008

Out the door!

So i'm packed - i feel like i have enough for about 3 days, it's kind of a let's hope I don't run into the same people over and over cuz they'll see the same outfit every time ;) It's humbling really, having only 3 pairs of pants and about 10 shirts for two months - is this how men live?

I wanted to get a couple other pics up here too...of my mom plus Lance, Paul, Doug (the "extended family" if you will) and the rest of us girls on Mother's Day, and of my other favorite girls at Dawn's wedding :)

I'm heading out for the OC for my last night in the States - we're going to see Sex and the City! Quite appropriate right before i go do VBS (vacation bible school) in Columbia...ha!

By the way my phone is officially off now...don't worry, i have a phone card, so be prepared at all hours to take me call :) I'll be on East Coast time though in Columbia, no big deal...

Bon Voyage!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This is my family, well, my mom is clearly missing, but it's my dad and sisters on Easter at LJBTC. It'll be nice to look at them when I'm posting :)

Countdown is On!

Okay hello everyone! This marks my first post to the new's now Wednesday, and I depart on Saturday at gosh-for-saken a.m. out of LAX. Just want to see that this is working!

Still have lots to do, but the blog was high on the list :) Enjoy as I try to keep everyone up to date on my adventures across the continent of South America!
